We have just completed a great workshop in Spain, just 100km outside Madrid in the Sierra de Guadarrama. The hotel Santa Maria de el Paular is adjacent to the monastery and and lends an air of tranquility to the whole place.
My role was to introduce a team of High Potentials on a talent development program in a (very) large production company to the ideas and thinking behind the Service Profit Chain. And once aging it becomes very clear to me that not just Hotels can befit from this approach. Virtually any business today is operating in a buyers market – there is to much of everything. And in this a situation of abundance there is no way that you will be able to advertise your way to better profits. Your message will drown in the noise. Instead you will need to rely on word of mouth – and that means that you need to generate enthusiastic customers that will spread the word…
As you can see below the setting was ideal and we had plenty of time for reflection and deep dialogue. What a pleasure.
We also managed to have a discussion on how the net promoter score works – you know the the ultimate and simples of all customer surveys where alle you ask your clients is: ” On a scale on one to 10 how likely is it that you would recomed our business to a friend or colleague.
Add up how many you have who scored 9 or 10 those are your promoters. forget those that scored you 7 or 8. Add up those that gave you between 1 and 6 – those are you detractors. Now deduct you detractors from your promotes and you have your net promoter index – simple and powerful.
What is a good score? Well 30 would be fine but the really customer centric companies can score in both the 60es and the 70es.
Try for your self – before it’s to late…
The setting and the hotel proved the ideal type of location for this type of work I hope to get a chance to go back before to long.