Dark Dining. At the Unsicht-Bar, a restaurant in Berlin, Germany, “every photon of light” is excluded, so that diners can experience eating without seeing, reports John Bohannon in The Christian Science Monitor (10/13/04). When patrons arrive at the Usicht-Bar, (“named for the German word for ‘invisible’), they are first taken to a candlelit room and “given a menu with three options — vegetarian , fish and meat — but the actual dishes” are not revealed. Diners are then led to their tables, conga-style, led by a waiter or waitress who typically is blind (“it’s simply too difficult for a sighted person to learn how to navigate a dark, busy restaurant holding heavy trays of food and beverages”).
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Fixing A Leak In The Hotel Profitability Pipeline: How To Manage The Costs Of Employee Turnover
One of the most vexing and expensive managerial problems: employee turnover, and particularly turnover of the most productive and effective individuals-continues to plague the hotel industry. A recent study showed that the average turnover level among non-management hotel employees in the US is about 50%, and about 25% for management staff. Thus, small variations in property-wide turnover may have significant financial implications.
Starbucks, aimining for 30.000 units
SEATTLE – There are so few Starbucks Corp. stores in the world that customers are sometimes forced to journey more than two blocks to find one, the coffee retailer’s chief executive bemoaned Thursday.
[Read more…] about Starbucks, aimining for 30.000 units
Quote of the day….
“We are continually faced with a series of great opportunities brilliantly disguised as insoluble problems.”
–John W. Gardner
Tuna's Red Glare? It Could Be Carbon Monoxide
Buyers of fresh tuna, whether at the sushi bar or the supermarket, often look for cherry-red flesh to tell them that the fish is top-quality. But it has become increasingly likely that the fish is bright red because it has been sprayed with carbon monoxide.
Carbon monoxide, a gas that is also a component of wood smoke, prevents the flesh from discoloring. It can even turn chocolate tuna red, according to some who have seen the process.
People in the seafood industry estimate that 25 million pounds of treated tuna, about 30 percent of total tuna imports, were brought into the United States last year, mostly from processors in Southeast Asia. Retailers in the United States buy it already treated.
Family dinner
America’s constant quest for convenience has driven some of the most popular trends in eating out: the drive-through lane, the Styrofoam container, the to-go counter.
Take all those conveniences, add the cell phone and the Internet, and you have the fastest-growing sector in casual dining: curbside to-go [Read more…] about Family dinner
Sund fastfood sælger
Fastfood-industrien vokser støt, og maden bliver mere og mere sund. I Europa såvel som i USA ser mange nye fastfoodkoncepter dagens lys – alle med det til fælles, at sundhed, friskhed og høj kvalitet er drivende parametre. Og ikke kun de nye er sunde. Giganter som McDonalds, Burger King og Kentucky Fried Chicken har ligeledes kastet sig ud i det ene sunde tiltag efter det andet. Skriften på væggen er klar: Junkfood-æraen er ved at være slut.
Ovenstående var hovedbudskabet ved seminaret Fremtidens fastfood, som Børsen FødevareSundhed arrangerede under Madfestival i Tivoli i den forgangne uge. Blandt talerne var eksperter i den internationale udvikling samt repræsentanter fra den danske fødevareindustri, fra den hyperkvalitetsfokuserede bageri/kolonialkæde Emmerys over sundhedsfokuserede Agrova Food til McDonalds.
På seminaret var der også indlæg af trendspotter Mike Hohnen, Retalia A/S. Han fortalte, hvordan de varmeste nye amerikanske fastfood-koncepter har fokus på sundhed og friske råvarer.
– Friskhed er af helt afgørende betydning, og i USA har det stor betydning for virksomhedens profil, om man bruger friske eller frosne råvarer. »The good guys« har ingen frysere eller mikroovne, og det gør de tydeligt opmærksom på i deres markedsføring, forklarede Mike Hohnen.
Børsen 03.08
Most people multitask, so most people don't sit down to eat
If you eat breakfast in the car, gobble lunch while working at your computer, and watch TV while cooking or eating dinner, you’ve got a lot of multitasking company.
About 62% of people in a nationally representative online survey say they are sometimes or often too busy to sit down to eat, and about nine out of 10 say they do other things while preparing meals. On top of that: 31% do not consistently wash their hands when switching tasks during meal preparation.