In the newest wave of gilded urban life, an independent restaurant on the premises of luxury condominiums is de rigueur, as essential to the perks as a doorman or a covered parking garage. The right kind of restaurant, says Ronald M. Druker, developer of the South End’s Atelier 505, will “add a certain level of vitality” to the premises and “set a tone for the lifestyle of the building.” That lifestyle is costing condominium owners between $600,000 and $2.75 million. [Read more…] about The lush life, plus a restaurant
Restaurant pacifies kids with DVD players
Rather than having the kids throw food, or tantrums, parents can toss a cartoon into a DVD player provided free to diners at a restaurant in Belleville.
[Read more…] about Restaurant pacifies kids with DVD players
Not a word is said…
According to French magazine Elle the next thing to hit the singles scene after ‘speed-dating’ is ?quiet parties?. This is already the craze at the Parisian hot spot Tanija. Participants are united in a room in total silence. It is forbidden to speak a word. To order a drink or chat up a date participants need to use a pencil and paper supplied by the venue. Leftover scraps of paper show conversations ranging from the simple: ? Hi may I offer you a drink?? to the more creative ?Your beauty leaves me speechless?. Two hours later it?s all about body language and maximum decibels as everybody gets on the dance floor.
Tanija 23 rue Ponthieu 75008 Paris
Wrap it up, we'll take it
Dinner now comes in paper bags, in plastic wrap and containers, and in anything else that will get it to your supper table without spills. Who has time to cook? After work or a busyday running around, many consumers don’t want to hunt down hard-to-find ingredients, then stand at the stove making dinner.
[Read more…] about Wrap it up, we'll take it
Farmers markets take food back to basics
Source: Patrick McGuigan
Farmers markets are booming in many countries, but is it worth paying the extra to buy directly from the producer of your food? As farmers markets begin to rattle supermarkets, how are they fighting back? Where do consumers really get the best deal? Patrick McGuigan went to market to find out. [Read more…] about Farmers markets take food back to basics
Restaurants keep tabs on diners
Panzano restaurant manager Jennifer Olson knows all about Jack Henderson the minute he walks through the door.
A computer database tells her his birthday, his wife’s birthday and their anniversary. She knows he likes to eat at the chef’s counter at lunch and that he’s dined at the Italian restaurant more than 100 times. [Read more…] about Restaurants keep tabs on diners
Specialty teas are growing
Camillia’s Teas. “Of the $2 billion in U.S. sales of traditional (meaning hot) tea last year, specialty teas accounted for $500 million, up from less than $250 million a decade ago,” as reported by Amy Cortese in BusinessWeek (3/1/04).
full link to reveries [Read more…] about Specialty teas are growing
Get keen on green!
Products displayed in green point-of-sale (POS) positions have a much better chance of catching the eye and ending up in consumers shopping trolleys, according to new research due to be presented next week.