Life as a nomad is getting complicated…
I was at the airport, checking in at the gate, when the airport employee asked,
“Has anyone put anything in your baggage without your knowledge?”
I said, “If it was without my knowledge, how would I know?”
He smiled and nodded knowingly, “That’s why we ask.”
Last minute gift for your self…
Best Marketing Book of the Year
PURPLE COW (Seth Godin)
Seth gets a lot of digital ink so if you don’t know who he is then you must be new to Fast Company. A GREAT BOOK!!!!!!!
Hotels need to appeal to the meeting planner
Hotels need to appeal to the meeting planner
December 17, 2003 | The hotel industry’s meeting business is finally bouncing back from 9/11, but many hotels could face an uphill battle in wooing back customers unless they appeal to the ultimate gatekeeper – the meeting planner – according to a new study from Maritz Hospitality Research Group.
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discussion – of marketing and obesity
What is the relationship between marketing and obesity? What should marketers be doing to address the issue? Which marketers are doing the best job of turning the obesity issue to their advantage?
Creating a sense of community….
Remember how exciting Starbucks was when it first burst on the scene? Starbucks was all about community, too (and still is, to be sure). Folks went there not just to buy coffee, but also to meet others and feel like they were part of something. The most amazing thing about it was that often the conversation centered on the coffee itself — and Starbucks even invented a special language for ordering drinks that is unique to its customers. [Read more…] about Creating a sense of community….
2004 Restaurant Industry Forecast USA
Where’s the restaurant industry headed for 2004? Take a look through the executive summary (PDF) of the National Restaurant Association’s 2004 Restaurant Industry Forecast, and then order your copy of the full publication.
Drivers shift to eating on the go
Companies such as Kraft and Nabisco are repackaging staple foods to be eaten in cars — and minivans and pickups. They’re betting that even the most safety-conscious soccer parents and overscheduled entrepreneurs will gladly snap up mobile meals: yogurt in a tube. Or chips in stacks, not bags. Or portable soup, snuggled into a cup holder.
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