“We believe,” says Ari, “that people can taste the difference, that if they can afford it, they happily will pay more if they know why they’re paying more and can taste it.”
Coaching for personal growth, change and development
By Mike Hohnen
“We believe,” says Ari, “that people can taste the difference, that if they can afford it, they happily will pay more if they know why they’re paying more and can taste it.”
By Mike Hohnen
Consumption of Spirits On the Rise, 70 Years After the Repeal of Prohibition; The Year of the Martini
A nationwide martini revival is driving vodka sales up, even in Arizona, where regional favorite tequila ranks just fifth.
And overall, the consumption of spirits is on the rise, 70 years after the repeal of Prohibition
“It’s been the year of martini,” said Joey Valenzuela, who works at Table Talk, 2936 E. Broadway, where martini sets and decorative glasses flew off the shelves this holiday season. Margarita glasses and champagne flutes were also popular. National retailers have reported similar success
Nationwide, the consumption of spirits such as vodka and rum increased 2 percent in 2002 over the previous year
By Mike Hohnen
Quiznos Sub aspires to be a leader-not just in sandwiches,but the industry overall. For CEO Rick Schaden, that means going places quick-serve isn’t known to tread.
In the modern era of restaurants, the industry is unquestionably dominated by entrepreneurs, not restaurateurs. This is not necessarily a bad thing, unless said entrepreneur doesn’t care about the food. It is still the restaurant industry, after all, and whatever the financial motivations might be-and we all want to make money-food is at the heart of the business.
read the article https://www.qsrmagazine.com/issue/interview/rick_schaden.phtml
By Mike Hohnen
Don’t Compromise Your Goals In 2004; Five New Year’s Resolutions You Will Want To Keep
By Neil Salerno? January 2004
At this time of year, many people make resolutions to do everything from beginning new fitness programs to dieting and committing to wellness regimens. These are all good resolutions, but it’s also a perfect time to re-commit to exceeding those budget numbers you submitted a few months ago
In my coaching programs, I continually emphasize that people perform their best when they are appropriately challenged. Too much stretch causes stress, too little produces boredom. But how much stretch is just right? Most people do not challenge themselves. The first principle in coaching is the setting of personal goals for your team and then challenging them to be the best they can be.
see the article https://hotel-online.com/News/PR2004_1st/Jan04_FiveResolutions.html
By Mike Hohnen
Service companies worldwide spend billions every year on customer-loyalty programs and other preferred-guest programs aimed at getting their guests to continue their patronage, although it’s clear that many customers defect to competitors. One way to improve customer retention is to analyze guests’ behavior according to four distinct guest segments, which are based on their staying or switching behavior. The four groups are satisfied switchers, dissatisfied stayers, satisfied stayers, and dissatisfied switchers. Two groups, satisfied stayers and dissatisfied switchers, generally behave as one might expect-either staying or defecting based on their level of satisfaction. The other two groups, satisfied switchers and dissatisfied stayers, do not conform to expectations.
Most confounding are satisfied switchers, [Read more…] about Understanding switchers and stayers
By Mike Hohnen
“On a very ephemeral level, we’re about the renewal of hope,” says Mario D’Amico, chief marketing officer of Cirque du Soleil. “Everything we do is about the human body’s ability to surpass itself physically, artistically or emotionally.”
What began in June of 1984 as a not-for-profit enterprise featuring a nomadic troupe of street artists led by founder Guy Laliberte is now a global sensation driven by more than 2,100 employees, deploying eight, separate, hand-crafted shows worldwide.
Cirque’s own hopes, actually, are [Read more…] about cirque du soleil – what can we learn from these guys?
By Mike Hohnen
December 31, 2003
1. Employment Market Turbulence. More secure employees will stimulate
unprecedented churning in the labor marketplace. This turbulence will
threaten corporate stability and capacity to serve customers, particularly
for employers who took employees for granted in recent years. [Read more…] about Herman Trend Alert: 2004 Workforce and Workplace Forecasts
By Mike Hohnen
Preserves… Yummmmmy ! The perfect medecine for the blues.
Back to childhood, to jam and marmalade and preserve on loaf-sized bread-slices and pancakes, by spoonfuls or on a piece of cheese or a vegetable. The TH/PR (pronounce Ter-prer) the MT/CH (emter-sher) and BL/CT are a new line of body-care products for the sweet tooth. This brand new jelly concept created by Claudine Morne with a packaging by ich&Kar will be first launched at colette’s. 1 plant 1 fruit = Yum !
Mint/Chasselas Grapes – Thyme/Plum – Basil/Lemon – Eucalyptus/Muscat Grapes – Verbena/Canada Apple
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