I am fascinated by what is happening in education at the moment – watch how this future scenario plays out as it leads to EPIC : Evolving Personal Information Construct
What is now playing out is similar to what has happend to the newspaper industry, and the music industry.
What at first seems like an inferior product is comming from below and disrupting the cosy and costly monopoly that universities have had. As the quality of online education improves – and it is improving at a break-neck speed in my opinion – it will eventually substitute the existing model.
The scenario follows the book to the T… (Clayton Christensen the Innovators Dilema)
But how will all that affect executive education?
Acording to this article in the HBR there is no escaping the tsunami there either: the article concludes:
…one needs only a few star professors who deliver the content online (the Khan’s of the exec ed market), and one needs a hoard of “lower-level” local instructors who will help with the breakouts. The traditional exec ed professor will be squeezed out (unless they can move to the purely interactive part, but that requires a very high skill level to pull off).
We certainly live in interesting times