Our group of 18 mangers studying for the Service Management Diploma met for their second workshop last week.
They are now halfway through the first module and preparing for their final assignment for this module.
Next year we shall be looking at module two: Grow Value.
We had asked each trio to prepare a presentation that would recapitulate one of the subjects that we had covered in our first workshop. This team decided to visualise the topic ‘Mindset’ – each person represents body, thought and feelings respectively and as the H.C Andersen Fairytale was read out they each illustrated these perspectives – it was a show I shall not forget soon. – Thank you !
Later in the day my colleague Lothar Friis challenged the teams on team work and problem solving – Lothar is a master at not only creating these seemingly unsolvable problems but also in converting the experience afterwards into meaningful learning.
He did that using a ‘fishbowl’ debrief of one team while the other team watched.
We had a blast as you can see.[/lang_en]
Vores hold af diplomleder er kommet fantastisk godt fra start og vi er allerede halvvejs i første modul.
En af opgaverne vi stillede hver trio var at lave en rekapitulation af et emne fra første workshop. Denne trio havde valgt emnet ‘Mindset’ og illustrerede det med en oplæsning af Klodshans, hvor mindset punkterne krop, tanker, følelser blev levendegjort af de tre trio medlemmer – der var ikke et øje tørt.
Senere på dagen øvede vi problemløsning, og Lothar Friis stillede holdene en rimeligt umulig opgave og bad dem lave en løsning på problemet – det var ikke helt nemt – som det kan ses herunder.