TWO years ago, the announcement that a well-known winery, or a little-known winery for that matter, was switching to screw caps for its bottles was news. Winemakers were divided on the subject. “Right on,” said the younger vintners. “Waste of time,” said older and presumably wiser types. Or “Money down the drain.” Or, more often, “The consumer will never accept it.”
Study:Chocolate,BBQ addiction may be real – Apr 21, 2004
WASHINGTON (Reuters) — People who say they are addicted to chocolate or pizza may not be exaggerating, U.S.-based scientists said Tuesday.
A brain scan study of normal, hungry people showed their brains lit up when they saw and smelled their favorite foods in much the same way as the brains of cocaine addicts when they think about their next snort.
“Food presentation significantly increased metabolism in the whole brain (by 24 percent) and these changes were largest in superior temporal, anterior insula, and orbitofrontal cortices,” they wrote.
These areas are associated with addiction. [Read more…] about Study:Chocolate,BBQ addiction may be real – Apr 21, 2004
All-natural high-melatonin milk: Tapping into milk's intrinsic health benefit : Features
High-melatonin milk is an emerging wellness market that could be worth US$400m. It’s a market that is being developed by small dairy companies, one of them an organic dairy, who are enjoying healthy sales growth and high price premiums to regular milk. Julian Mellentin reports.
The recent launch of the UK’s second “night time milk” brand – selling at a 150% price premium to regular milk – shows the potential for this new niche that makes the most of one of milk’s intrinsic health benefits.
Kono Pizza, new version of the old Italian favourite
Kono Pizza, a new twist on the old Italian favourite. The product comprises a cone-shaped pizza that is being heralded as the big challenger to the burger in terms of ease of portability.
Faster Food -Cheesecake Factory
Cheesecake Factory restaurants have giant menus and a bottom line to match.
Investors love the way the Cheesecake Factory serves up profits.
A guide to its success:
? 75: number of restaurants
? 201: number of menu items
? $16: Average check per person
? 18,000: Number of employees
Here’s how they do it: [Read more…] about Faster Food -Cheesecake Factory
Adult 'Happy Meals' offer salad, no prize
CHICAGO, Illinois (AP) — Coming soon to a McDonald’s near you: Adult Happy Meals, featuring salad, bottled water, pedometer and a little bit of advice: Walk more.
The hamburger giant outlined plans Thursday to introduce the “Go Active!” meals for grown-ups at all 13,500 of its U.S. restaurants May 6 along with other steps designed to make its fare — and its image — more healthy.
A target of obesity lawsuits and a magnet for criticism that fast food is unhealthy, McDonald’s Corp. also launched a marketing blitz to address health issues head-on and tout new diet-conscious options at its outlets. [Read more…] about Adult 'Happy Meals' offer salad, no prize
Burger King Web site becomes instant hit
A new marketing Web site launched last week by Burger King,, quickly became the top site on the Web according
to one index. The site, which allows users to type in commands that a giant
rooster performs, is designed to remind consumers they can get the
restaurant’s TenderCrisp sandwich customized to their liking. Seattle
Guardian Unlimited | The Guardian | Worth its salt
It happened to olive oil. It happened to bread. And now it is happening to salt. The stuff is diversifying, climbing up market and going chic, sleek and expensive. Once there was just kitchen salt and table salt. It came in round containers and on the label was a picture of a small boy running after a chicken trying to sprinkle salt on its tail. That salt was white as snow and ran fine and free as sand. Not any more. [Read more…] about Guardian Unlimited | The Guardian | Worth its salt