I was going to write a blog post on this subject – and while researching it i found this, and thought well I can’t convey that message much better than this ;-)
And the reason i wanted to write about this was because i read this wonderfull book by Scott Berkun
From the books website:
The new behind the scenes book where Berkun goes back to work on WordPress.com. Learn what it’s like to work at WordPress.com, the 15th most trafficked website in the world, where everyone works from home, no one uses email and dozens of improvements launch to customers every day. The Year Without Pants is the best book you will read about leadership, productivity, and creativity in the modern age.
Her are a few of my takeaways from the book :
– Most people doubt that online meetings can work, but they somehow overlook that most in-person meetings don’t work either
– There is nothing wrong with tradition until you want progress: progress demands change, and change demands a reevaluation of what the traditions are for and how they are practiced
– … and the culture’s confidence that the best way to learn is to do – to think (but not for too long ) make decisions, learn from what happens, and repeat.
– the culture in any organisation is shaped every day by the behaviour of the most powerfull person in the room
And if you dont have time to read the book – take a look a this great talk by Scott at Google
And then you will probably want to read the book any way ;-)
Yes – it really puts life in perspective when viewed as a Whole.
I certainly want to read that book