Here is a great post from Xhotels on what it mean to be a disruptive hotel :
Hotels need to be more Disruptive.
It once again reminded me of the classic marketing model that so clearly shows what this is all about that oh’ so tricky move from new to perennial with out falling into the trap of becoming stereotype.
As long as you can maintain uniqueness – you can also hold your price – but if you slip up and fall in to the trap of becoming stereotype – then you have taken the first step in entering what the Americans call ‘the race to the bottom’. And we all now what that does to our bottom line.
Read the 3 great examples of uniqueness on the Xhotels blog here
This is also a theme that I have developed extensively in my book: Best! – no need to be cheap if... The overall idea his is to use the frame work of the Service Profit Chain to understand build that uniqueness over time.
I would be more than happy to offer you a copy if you are interested – just drop me a line and i will send you a download link.
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