As I stated in my previous post you need to create word of mouth – that is the single most consistent source of new business in an overcrowded market place. What we know from research is that loyal customers tend to spread more positive word of mouth that just ordinary satisfied customers so it pays off to think about what you can do to build that important loyalty.
“In today’s crowded marketplace, creating loyal, engaged customers is more important—and more challenging—than ever,” says Marc Johnson CEO of Cincinnati-based Loyalty 360.
Here are the top 5 loyalty trends from Loyalty 360.
1. Marketers will increasingly understand that loyalty is not a program – it is a journey and a strategic business goal
2. Loyalty will focus more on emotions rather than on rational, incentive-based initiatives.
3. Companies will increasingly look at how customer engagement and employee engagement work together to drive bottom-line
4. The voice of customer programs is an important strategy for brands, and we expect to see greater focus on it in 2011results.
5. Relevancy will be a key driving force of customer loyalty and engagement