This the Team v and DAC video:
[s3video s3url=”DACTeamVmodelHB.mp4″ s3bucket=”mhtrainingsite” /]
Here is the webinar
[s3video s3url=”Managerstoolbox1aHB.mp4″ s3bucket=”mhtrainingsite” s3bucketregion=”eu-west-1″ /]
— Below are the videos from laurent
This one as an introduction to Me – Who is Mike?
[s3video s3url=”MikeFilm2HB.mp4″ s3bucket=”mhtrainingsite” s3bucketregion=”eu-west-1″ /]
This one as an introduction to the TLTB course
[s3video s3url=”MikeHohnenFilm3zoominHB.mp4″ s3bucket=”mhtrainingsite” s3bucketregion=”eu-west-1″ /]
We are waiting for the last video from laurent which will be the sales video
Here i am testing delivering a file with S3 – to see how that works.
[s3file s3url=”ServiceProfitCahin_model_UK.pdf” s3bucket=”mhtrainingsite” s3bucketregion=”eu-west-1″ ]Download The File Here[/s3file]