Leadership Basics

Leadership and Management.

I imagine you have heard those terms bantered about often. For some, they are two words for the same thing – there is a marked difference for others.

For me, the difference is essential, and my interpretation (not everyone may agree) is that Management is all about the tasks, and leadership is fundamentally about the relationships.

Most first-time managers or team leaders get the job because they have excelled in Management. They get the job done, they can organize themselves, and the accepted norm is that the leadership part will come as they go. For some, it does.

But, in general, it is my experience that we can give new managers a serious leg-up if we introduce them to a basic set of tools and concepts as early in the new team leader’s role as possible.

And that is what this brief course is about. The elements are all part of my more comprehensive leadership development training – here, I have just picked the essential pieces.

In the course, we will cover the following:

  • Understanding the importance of good relationships on the job
  • Trust – the one must-understand critical skill for anyone working with others
  • Psychological safety – the foundation for engagement, collaboration, and performance
  • Stages of team development – how groups form and develop over time
  • The Team V-High Performance model, your ‘Swiss Army Knife’ of leadership
  • The ABC of leadership – how your actions, behaviour, and conversations define you as a leader

Before you dive in, I recommend you download the self-assessment and think about your personal leadership skills. If you are taking the course with coaching included, you must send me your answers before our first coaching session, so I have time to prepare myself.

When you have done that, you are ready to move on.

Course Curriculum